アーヴィング・ソIrving So







WSETディプロマ(DipWSET)。WSETの認定エデュケーターとしてレベル2、3の講師を勤めている。2019年、世界で15人しかいないイタリアワインの最難関資格Vinitaly International Academy(VIA)公認のイタリアン・ワイン・エキスパートに最高得点で合格。そのほか、VIA公認イタリアン・ワイン・エデュケーター、バローロ&バルバレスコ・アカデミー公認ランゲ・ワインズ・アンバサダー、ヴァルポリチェッラ生産者保護協会公認ヴァルポリチェッラ・ワイン・スペシャリスト、ワイン・スカラー・ギルド公認最高名誉イタリアン・ワイン・スカラー、ワインMBA(Kedge)多々の資格を保有。ルガーナ、ヴァルポリチェッラ生産者保護協会、ヴェネト生産者連盟主催のマスタークラスの講師も経験。

Born in Hong Kong, Irving felt in love with Japanese culture since his youth after his first visit to Japan. His enthusiasm in mastering Japanese landed him a job in Tokyo in 2000. He never looked back.

Irving is a DipWSET and a WSET Certified Educator teaching Level 2 and 3 courses. He holds the prestigious title of Italian Wine Expert (VIA), shared by only 15 people in the world (2019). He is also an Italian Wine Educator (VIA), a Langhe Wines' Ambassdor (Barolo & Barbaresco Academy), Valpolicella Wine Specialist (Consorzio Tutela Vini della Valpolicella), an Italian Wine Scholar (Highest Honor, Wine Scholar Guild), as well as a Wine MBA (Kedge) holder. He has conducted masterclasses for various Consorzios including Valpolicella and Lugana, as well as producer associations from Veneto.